Finite automata model designed to improve productivity in the processing of yogurt


  • Nairo Jose Cavieles Rojas Universidad de Boyaca
  • Carlos Ramirez Martin Universidad de Boyaca



finite automata, automatism, matrix, S&MEs, yogurt, dairy sector


For small and medium enterprises in dairy sector engaged in yogurt manufacture and considering the new economic challenges imposed by economy globalization, result necessary for their industrial processes respond to these needs. Importantly, processing of dairy products like yogurt, demands a thorough knowledge of all factors and variables involved in each stage of production process, starting with raw materials ingress until to obtain final product, which must fulfill strict operating sequence.

Therefore, industrial processes modeling using simulation tools such as finite automata let to automate processes, to increase productivity, to improve quality of finished products and to reduce risk factors. Occupational risks lead to machines processes accidents which involve critical variables, such as high temperatures, use of strong acids, pathogenic microorganisms, radiation and toxic compounds.

This paper shows a development of a finite automata model as an alternative solution for process´s automation in yogurt production in small and medium enterprises. The presented model has a great versatility, allowing select the kind of yogurt to make options such as: whole yogurt, skim yogurt and nonfat yogurt. For the pasteurization process options offered are: ultra-pasteurization, continuous flow and discontinuous. Another feature offered is presented in the selection of additives, allowing to choose a flavored product, natural or fruity.

The different characteristics of production process are collected in the matrix of states, the table process and the phased array, which are basis for development of finite automata model proposed.



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How to Cite

Cavieles Rojas, N. J., & Ramirez Martin, C. (2012). Finite automata model designed to improve productivity in the processing of yogurt. Revista Educación En Ingeniería, 7(13), 63–73.



Engineering and Development


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