Lineal systems emulation using medium range Microcontrollers


  • Juan Sebastián Botero Valencia Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, Medellín (Colombia)
  • Edilson Delgado Trejos Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, Medellín (Colombia)



linear system, emulation, microcontroller, state space.


The linear systems analysis involves obtaining a model that is used to acquire information from the real system. The model offers an important advantage when the physical implementation of a system is expensive, or when the operation may result in damage to computer components. The computer simulation methods offer a partial solution but hinder the use of real elements (sensors and actuators) when we implement a strategy of control of a physical system. This paper demonstrates a technique to emulate the behavior of a linear system using state space discretized in order to implement low-processing systems. Finally we obtain an algorithm that represents a linear system recursively and can be implemented in microcontroller systems.


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Author Biographies

Juan Sebastián Botero Valencia, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, Medellín (Colombia)

Ingeniero Electrónico – Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Estudiante de Maestría en Automatización y Control Industrial. Investigador. Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano.

Edilson Delgado Trejos, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, Medellín (Colombia)

Ingeniero Electrónico. M. Sc. en Automatización Industrial. Ph. D. en Ingeniería LI Automática. Académico Director del Centro de Investigación, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano.


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How to Cite

Botero Valencia, J. S., & Delgado Trejos, E. (2012). Lineal systems emulation using medium range Microcontrollers. Revista Educación En Ingeniería, 5(9), 188–193.



Engineering and Development


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