Teaching of the finite element method in civil and mechanical engineering using open-source PEFiCA software


  • Dorian Luis Linero Segrera Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá
  • Diego Alexander Garzón Alvarado Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá




finite element methods, open-source software, computer assisted learning


This work presents the features of open-source PEFiCA software, using as tool in order to teach the finite element method in civil and mechanics engineering. To motivate, stimulate and supply the learning of the finite element method applied to problems of solid and fluid mechanics is the main objective of PEFiCA. The software allows solving the two-dimensional field differential equations of Poisson, which is applied to problems of irrotational flow, seepage of groundwater flow, heat transfer and shear stresses in bars subjected to torsion. Likewise, the software can calculate the stress and strain field in static linear elastic mechanical problem in plane stress condition and in plane strain condition. This problem type has important application on structural, mechanical and geotechnical engineering. PEFiCA allows that the user observes, understands and implements each one of the solve steps, so that, it takes an active part in the development of the main routine through the existing subroutines or by means of new subroutines make by itself. PEFiCA has been used at the classroom by students of civil engineering and structural engineering at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia during more than two years. The teachers indicate that the software provides the link between the presentation of the basic concepts of the finite element method and its application to practical problems, without regard its size. Moreover, we conclude that PEFiCA users knew the inner of finite element method, besides the simple coaching of input data and results presentation.


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Author Biographies

Dorian Luis Linero Segrera, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá

Ingeniero Civil y Magister en Estructuras de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Doctor en Análisis Estructural de la Universidad Politécnica de Calaluña (Barcelona, España). Profesor Asociado de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Diego Alexander Garzón Alvarado, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá

Ingeniero Mecánico de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Magister en Materiales de la Universidad de los Andes, Doctor en Mecánica Computacional de la Universidad de Zaragoza (España). Profesor Titular de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá (Colombia)


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How to Cite

Linero Segrera, D. L., & Garzón Alvarado, D. A. (2012). Teaching of the finite element method in civil and mechanical engineering using open-source PEFiCA software. Revista Educación En Ingeniería, 7(14), 35–46. https://doi.org/10.26507/rei.v7n14.242



Engineering and Development


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