Assessment of clogging sensitivity to irrigation´s emitters


  • Luis Carlos Grajales Guzmán Universidad del Valle, Cali
  • María Alejandra Mejía Carreño Universidad del Valle, Cali
  • Jaime Ernesto Díaz Ortíz Universidad del Valle, Cali



localizad high-frecuency irrigation, clogging, filtration


Technology driven irrigation systems require filtration methods that minimize the impact of possible obstructions in application units, which finally might affect a systems’ efficiency. This paper compares the performance of four high frequency localized irrigation systems (Microjet, compensating, Lyn and drip tape) by using non-conventional and conventional water filtration systems. The non-conventional system combined an Ascendant Flux Gross Filter (FGFA, spanish acronym for: Filtro Grueso de Flujo Ascendente) with a Ring Filter (FAN, Filtro de Anillos) and the conventional system was formed by a FGFA and a Sand Filter (FA, Filtro de Arena). We studied the irrigation Uniformity Coefficient (CU) and the filter capacity to remove physical, chemical and microbiological parameters, which affect the shutter’s risk. The Microjet and Lyn emitters showed better Uniformity Coefficient values together with the conventional filtration treatment. For irrigation periods higher than 500 hours the Compensating and Lyn emitters showed Uniformity Coefficients higher than 80%. The removal of iron, manganese, total suspended solids and mesophiles, was significantly improved when the conventional system was used, demonstrating that FA is more efficient than FAN.


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How to Cite

Grajales Guzmán, L. C., Mejía Carreño, M. A., & Díaz Ortíz, J. E. (2012). Assessment of clogging sensitivity to irrigation´s emitters. Revista Educación En Ingeniería, 7(13), 44–54.



Engineering and Development


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