Virtual environment of learning for development of general theory of systems class


  • Armando Muñoz Del Castillo Institución Universitaria Centro de Estudios Superiores María Goretti, I. U. CESMAG, San Juan de Pasto



general system theory, virtual learning environment


This document contains a pedagogic and didactic proposal for the learning of General System Theory, at the Systems Engineering program in the Institución Universitaria CESMAG of San Juan de Pasto, Nariño (Colombia). It is based on the concept of the pedagogic route, understood as the path to achieve the purposes related to enhancing the possibility of an adequate performance of the teacher and the learning process of the students, by the use of new information and communications technologies, by the design and implementation of a virtual learning environment. As theoretical support, the answers to the questions that guide the learning process as “why?”, “what?”, and “how?” are presented.

Considering that it is a proposal in construction and experimentation, a discussion about the results so far and the obstacles found is made, presenting the achievements reached, and some conclusions.


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Author Biography

Armando Muñoz Del Castillo, Institución Universitaria Centro de Estudios Superiores María Goretti, I. U. CESMAG, San Juan de Pasto


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How to Cite

Muñoz Del Castillo, A. (2006). Virtual environment of learning for development of general theory of systems class. Revista Educación En Ingeniería, 1(2), 1–6.



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