Situated learning as an alternative for engineering education by competences


  • Hernán Paz Penagos Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería, Julio Garavito, Bogotá



situated learning, professional competences, interaction, experiential teaching


In front of a more and more limited labor market, the increase of the expectations of the employers formation and the demanding demands of qualified engineers, the application of the paradigm of situated learning is profiled located in the formation of competences in Engineering like a necessary, fertile and conducive solution to an effective learning. To bound apprenticeships to situations discontext, as many times is given in the teaching of the engineering, the transfer of knowledge to practical situations fails, because the same ones don’t live.

In the article basic principles of situated learning are described; it emphasizes in the importance of the activity, context, culture, mediation, combined construction of meanings and mechanisms of guided participation; likewise, competences notions, classification of competences in the superior education and formation of competences in engineering are presented. Competences are focused that is how to know and to understand (theoretical knowledge of an academic field, the capacity to know and to understand), to know how to act (the practical and operative application of the knowledge to certain situations) to know how to be (the values like integral part in the way of to perceive to the other ones and to live in a social context). Competences represent a combination of attributes (with regard to the knowledge and their applications, aptitudes, dexterities and responsibilities) that they describe the level or grade of sufficiency with which a person is able to carry out them.

At the end it is related the situated learning with the formation of competences in engineering like an educational alternative that potency the application of knowledge and they favor the self-regulation and the skilling like strategies dinamicing of the process. In summary the focus of the situated learning is positive, only it depends on the strategies and teaching goals. The important thing is to know them to link so that they are supplemented and potencing the results of the teaching.


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Author Biography

Hernán Paz Penagos, Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería, Julio Garavito, Bogotá


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How to Cite

Paz Penagos, H. (2007). Situated learning as an alternative for engineering education by competences. Revista Educación En Ingeniería, 2(4), 1–13.





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