Evaluation of a Direct Methanol Fuel Cell, DMFC, using ethanol to determine the flexibility of the cell and the efficient use of energy resources – Phase I


  • Claudio Raúl Bernal Bustos Universidad de América, Bogotá
  • José David Jiménez Universidad de América, Bogotá




fuel cell, methanol, ethanol, Spillover effect


The objective of this work was aimed at assessing the impact or damage that may suffer a fuel cell DMFC (Direct Methanol Fuel Cell) to use ethanol as a fuel substance. Then, it found the flexible use of the DMFC research and promotes the efficient use of energy resources Colombians, Bioethanol. For the foregoing, it is a study on methanol fuel cell – DMFC, supplied by a vendor, under the conditions of operation suggested, was later tested with ethanol in the following sequence: (1) Compare to the characteristic curves of the DMFC using methanol and ethanol and (2) Operate of the DMFC using methanol, taking into account the effect of cooperative promotion (Spillover) that promotes the oxidation of CO adsorbed on the Pt because of the reaction of ethanol in the DMFC. For comparison of the two substances it was used to a factorial experimental design, pre-definition of a benchmark: molecular approach. The results, curves show a similarity in the behaviour of ethanol vs. methanol, both for the electrochemical curve, as the curves for power and voltage vs. current density, indicating that during the time of trial, ethanol, in addition to generating electricity in comparison to methanol, does not appear to affect the catalyst, the membrane and other devices in the DMFC, perhaps by the spillover effect, however, it becomes necessary to study the phenomenon of depletion of the DMFC by the continued use of ethanol as the reaction of electrooxidation of ethanol may be incomplete as it will, in time, its exhaustion.


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Author Biographies

Claudio Raúl Bernal Bustos, Universidad de América, Bogotá

José David Jiménez, Universidad de América, Bogotá


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How to Cite

Bernal Bustos, C. R., & Jiménez, J. D. (2008). Evaluation of a Direct Methanol Fuel Cell, DMFC, using ethanol to determine the flexibility of the cell and the efficient use of energy resources – Phase I. Revista Educación En Ingeniería, 3(6), 20–28. https://doi.org/10.26507/rei.v3n6.59



Engineering and Development


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