Factor analysis for the measurement of student satisfaction in higher education: Case industrial engineering, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada





factor analysis, principal components analysis, universitary student satisfaction


A student satisfaction assessment tool was applied to industrial engineering undergraduate students of the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (Colombia). Factorial Analysis was used for the identification of the main components in order for the Undergraduate Program Direction to implement strategies that can increase or consolidate the students’ satisfaction. Data collection was obtained by 310 surveys with 66 questions. Then a series of test were performed such as: the correlation matrix determinant, the KMO index and Bartlett test in order to verify the assumptions. Subsequently the Factorial Analysis was run, using Principal Components Analysis as the extraction technique. Using the Varimax extraction method, it was possible to identify 13 dimensions that account for 60.7% of the total variability, mainly associated with personal dignity, integrity, physical development, academic issues, and infrastructure and support services.


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Author Biographies

Oscar Yecid Buitrago-Suescún, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Profesor Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Programa de Ingenieria Industrial

Anny Astrid Espitia-Cubillos, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Profesora Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Programa de Ingenieria Industrial

Agustin Alexander Mejias-Acosta, Universidad de Carabobo

Professor Universidad de Carabobo y Gerente de la Fundación para la Capacitación, Innovación y Desarrollo


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How to Cite

Buitrago-Suescún, O. Y., Espitia-Cubillos, A. A., & Mejias-Acosta, A. A. (2017). Factor analysis for the measurement of student satisfaction in higher education: Case industrial engineering, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Revista Educación En Ingeniería, 12(24), 107–112. https://doi.org/10.26507/rei.v12n24.774


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