Methodology to obtain successful results in the degree thesis management




guidance, thesis, methodology, thesis director


This article presents a methodology that has been perfected during thirty years of experience directing works and theses of degree in undergraduate, masters and doctorate, in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the Universidad del Valle. This methodology presents the most relevant stages to obtain successful results in the thesis direction, where the term "successful" refers to the relationship between the tutor and the student is respectful, and the student learns to: structure a proposal of work to identify and solve a problem, conduct a search of scientific literature on a specific topic, structure and write a technical document, apply the scientific method and make concrete, simple and impactful presentations. As a personal experience in applying this methodology, good theses are obtained in the topic addressed that can be used in industrial applications.


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Author Biography

Gladys Caicedo-Delgado, Universidad del Valle

Ing. Electricista en 1986, el título de MSc. en Sistemas de Generación de Energía en 1991 y el título de Dr. en Ingeniería – Énfasis: Ingeniería Eléctrica en 2004, todos ellos de la Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia. Se vinculó a la Universidad del Valle, en el año 1988. Pertenece al grupo de investigación en alta tensión GRALTA y su línea de investigación es en operación, control, protecciones y estabilidad en sistemas eléctricos de potencia.


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2018-08-01 — Updated on 2023-08-28


How to Cite

Caicedo-Delgado, G. (2023). Methodology to obtain successful results in the degree thesis management. Revista Educación En Ingeniería, 13(26), 64–70. (Original work published August 1, 2018)


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