Research seedbeds: an experience in research training for social inclusion


  • Raúl Trujillo Cabezas Universidad Católica de Colombia, Bogotá



investigación, semilleros, aprendizaje autónomo, desarrollo y atraso


The experience in management of a research seedbed for young people in this practice, has represented the development of a work model that integrates in a narrow way, a vision of long term, organizacionales aspects and methodological elements as key factor of link in the developed activity.

This paper presents the aspects before mentioned, that have as final sense to foster this practices and to make a particular emphasis in the development of individual and collective skills that give young people the possible to get better elements - including research practice- for their social incorporation and they could have better opportunity to formulate pertinent and consistent solutions according with the needs and difficulties of their communities, as well as to be participants (actors) of the challenges and opportunities of our environment.


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Author Biography

Raúl Trujillo Cabezas, Universidad Católica de Colombia, Bogotá


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How to Cite

Trujillo Cabezas, R. (2007). Research seedbeds: an experience in research training for social inclusion. Revista Educación En Ingeniería, 2(3), 22–34.





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