Educational responsibility in transfer of knowledge for reliable geotechnical studies




role of academy, Geotechnical Projects, Quality, guidelines.


The rules and parameters of construction are constantly being updated on the majority of the countries. In Colombia, relating to the soil, the title H of structural standard, contains the latest update of the minimum requirements needed for proceeding in a soil test. Having in mind that during the professional exercise of a future engineer there can be different test soils or projects, it is fundamental that from the academicals courses, some pedagogical strategies are taught so that knowledge can not only be transferred but also fully learnt. The following articles exposes the methodology followed during the course "Soil Mechanics” with the objective of helping the students of civil engineer to familiarize with the topic. Finally, it shows the collective development of an evaluation matrix by points used for this type of work.


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How to Cite

Torrado-Gómez, L. M., Serrano-Guzmán, M. F., Pérez-Ruiz, D. D., & Rondón, J. A. (2016). Educational responsibility in transfer of knowledge for reliable geotechnical studies. Revista Educación En Ingeniería, 11(22), 57–62.


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