Design of didactic multimedia materials of organic chemistry laboratory




Design, pedagogy, learning, multimedia, problem situation


In this work, the development of a digital material for the organic chemistry laboratory is proposed. This is planned from a pedagogical design in order to increase the integration between theory and practice; promote the learning of scientific knowledge and critical thinking. It has been shown that in order to produce an effective support in the process of teaching and learning of science, the development of digital materials or educational software, must be based on the pedagogical principles instead of common methodologies for this kind of resource. Problem solving was applied in the pedagogical design. The role of professors in the interface design of very creative, innovative, dynamic, interactive and flexible contents, with the support of technology, from the learning needs, an evaluation of the learning objectives full of animations and simulations, is essential in order to stimulate the role of the student.


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Author Biographies

Santiago Valbuena Rodriguez, Universidad de los Llanos

Docente departamento de ciencias basicas facultad ciencias basicas e ingenieria

Miguel Angel Navarro Ramirez, Universidad de los Llanos

Docente departamento de ciencias basicas facultad ciencias basicas e ingenieria


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How to Cite

Valbuena Rodriguez, S., & Navarro Ramirez, M. A. (2016). Design of didactic multimedia materials of organic chemistry laboratory. Revista Educación En Ingeniería, 11(22), 78–82.


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