Reflexions about the importance and current situation of the structural area in civil engineering programs in Colombia




Civil engineering, structures


This paper, the importance of the structural area inside the core program of Civil Engineering is studied. Special characteristics of the Colombian academic programs in Civil Engineering (Structures) are taken as a case study. This country exhibit an elevated seismic hazard, and has a large stock of non-ductile buildings. In the past 35 years, moderate earth-quakes have destroyed several cities, killed thousands of people, and have produced significant infrastructure losses because an important number of its structures were designed and constructed with little or no consideration of lateral load effects (i.e. especially for those structures designed and constructed prior to the establishment of the Colombian’s earthquake safety standard in 1984). In this document, three random Civil Engineering programs (Structures) in Colombia are studied, and two aspects are mainly considered: (1) professors (educational background, research production and academic syllabus), and (2) university infrastructure (labs and academic tools). It was found that the main aspect which contributes to the overall University quality is the professors’ item. Therefore, several aspects related with the Colombian students inside local and international graduate programs are studied.


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Author Biography

Daniel Ricardo Salinas-Guayacundo, Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito

Ing. Civil de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC) en Tunja, Colombia en 2003, MSc. en Ing. Civil, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia en 2006 y Dr. of Philosophy (PhD) en Ingeniería Civil (Estructuras) en 2016, del Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, Virginia, USA. De 2006 a 2011 orientó cursos de pregrado y posgrado en Universidades de Colombia; y ejerció actividades de consultoría en proyectos de reforzamiento sísmico en Colombia. De agosto del 2007 a junio del 2008 fue invitado por la Universidad Hampden-Sydney College, en Virginia, USA. Entre los años 2011 y 2016 fue asistente graduado de investigación (GRA), dentro del Structural Engineering and Materials, del Virginia Tech. Desde agosto del 2017 se desempeña como docente catedrático del programa Ingeniería Civil de la Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito, Bogotá, Colombia. Adicionalmente, es profesor de posgrados en la Universidad Santo Tomas, Tunja, Colombia. Sus intereses investigativos incluyen: análisis no lineal de pórticos de concreto reforzado, con o sin la presencia de muros de mampostería, sistemas estructurales en acero, concreto y mampostería estructural, ingeniería sísmica, dinámica estructural, diseño basado desempeño, análisis estructural lineal o no lineal usando elementos finitos.


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How to Cite

Salinas-Guayacundo, D. R. (2018). Reflexions about the importance and current situation of the structural area in civil engineering programs in Colombia. Revista Educación En Ingeniería, 13(25), 72–81.


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