Interactive environments in education. ¿Just a matter of technology?




ICT, interactive environments, learning process, meaningful learning, teaching.


The use of technology as a support for implementing didactic strategies is one of the areas with greatest growth today. However, technology alone is not enough to address the total learning process hence ignoring the complementary aspects can lead to solutions that do not achieve meaningfulness or permanence in learning. This article describes the design of interactive environments taking into account not only the technology, but also intentionality as to meaningfulness of the didactic strategies mediated by such environments. Strategies are designed based on the neurogenetic characteristics that underlie the learning process itself. The partial results obtained in pilot tests suggest that the environments developed in this way achieve a more meaningful and long-term learning, when measured in terms of interest, motivation and assimilation, with improvements that surpass 50% relative, normalized gains <g> between 0.42 and 0.8.


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Author Biography

Jaime Alberto Parra-Plaza, Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho

Ing. Electricista en 1991, de MSc. en Automática en 1997 y de Dr. en Ingeniería – Electrónica y Computación en 2012, todos ellos de la Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia. De 1995 a 2012 trabajó en la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Se vinculó a la Institución Universitaria Antonio José Camacho, Cali en el año 2013 como profesor asociado. Entre los años 2014 y 2015 fue Director del Grupo de investigaciones Gicat. Actualmente es investigador asociado al grupo Inteligo y es estudiante de doctorado en Ciencias Pedagógicas de la Universidad Enrique José Varona de La Habana, Cuba. Sus intereses investigativos incluyen: sistemas complejos, sistemas empotrados y sistemas adaptativos empleando computación, inteligencia artificial fuertemente bioinspirada y hardware reconfigurable. 


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How to Cite

Parra-Plaza, J. A. (2018). Interactive environments in education. ¿Just a matter of technology?. Revista Educación En Ingeniería, 13(25), 50–57.


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