Mathematics, engineering and computers


  • Luis Alberto Toro Carvajal Universidad Autónoma de Manizalez, Manizales



mathematics, computer, non-technical skills, modeling, teaching mathematics


This paper makes a study of the historical development of the mathematics concept, for arriving to its modern conception. It presents the intimate relation that exists today between mathematics and the computer, not only for doing mathematics, as well as a tool for mathematics teaching. Special attention is made to the impact that the computer has on teaching mathematics to engineers. As a general conclusion, the fact that is necessary to change, in a radical way, the manner on how we teach mathematics, from elementary school to university level with the aid of computational resources is emphasized. Specials comments about the nontechnical skills that the engineers acquire with the use of the computers are made.


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Author Biography

Luis Alberto Toro Carvajal, Universidad Autónoma de Manizalez, Manizales


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How to Cite

Toro Carvajal, L. A. (2007). Mathematics, engineering and computers. Revista Educación En Ingeniería, 2(3), 55–65.





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