Reading and writing as pedagogical tools for teaching Software Engineering


  • Royer David Estrada-Esponda Universidad del valle



Reading, writing, pedagogy, Software Engineering


This article presents the results of the intervention of the course "Software Development II" at Tuluá University, which included the incorporation of pedagogical tools related to reading and writing, such as modeling reading, abstracts, Peer review and oral exposures. It is to facilitate the acquisition and creation of knowledge around Software Engineering, with the slogan of generating spaces with constructivist approaches and oriented to collaborative learning. The above mentioned, within the framework of a methodological approach of research-action, which made possible the interaction between the group of students of the course of intervention and the teacher in charge. Consequently, a continuous feedback was generated in favor of the improvement in the quality of the teaching and learning processes and, therefore, in the academic quality.


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Author Biography

Royer David Estrada-Esponda, Universidad del valle

I am software deveplomer and full time teacher  at Universidad del Valle at Tuluá. currently i study a Master Administration degree and my skills English are moderate. Currently my focus is the knowlegde management and software deveploment.


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How to Cite

Estrada-Esponda, R. D. (2017). Reading and writing as pedagogical tools for teaching Software Engineering. Revista Educación En Ingeniería, 12(24), 83–88.


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