Use of PBL in the design of machine elements subject of a mechanical engineering program


  • Alfonso Santos Jaimes Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Seccional Bucaramanga



design, problem-based learning, PBL, self-learning, teaching-learning


This paper presents the issues associated with the application of the methodology of learning based in problems (PBL), in the subject of design of machine elements of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, campus Bucaramanga. The methodology through design, construction and testing of a vehicle allowed students to achieve the learning of content, to develop their skills think analytically and to work effectively as part of a collaborative team, as well, self-learning and self-training. 68% of students in the process of self-assessment methodology, claimed that PBL fosters a more meaningful learning, based primarily in increased interest from them and the applicability of theorical concepts developed in the subject. The results obtained during the implementation and development of PBL methodology let us to prove that it is well adaptable to the development of modules of the engineering, specifically those that belongs to the professional basic cycle.


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How to Cite

Santos Jaimes, A. (2012). Use of PBL in the design of machine elements subject of a mechanical engineering program. Revista Educación En Ingeniería, 7(13), 113–122.





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