A proposal for the learning evaluation in a new engineering curriculum within a military context


  • Rafael María Carreño Morales Universidad de Vigo




Bologna Process, continuous evaluation, learning, military context, skills


In the context of Bologna Process, the usual methods of evaluation have been adapted to obtain a better assessment of the acquisition of students’ skills. This is one of the key issues in the case of engineering degrees, which involves the transformation of the traditional evaluation systems into continuous evaluation systems. This work has been developed in a mechanical engineering degree which is offered at a university center within a military context. The implementation of the new curriculum has raised serious doubts about its adequacy, since it is the first time that midshipmen must obtain a degree in engineering to be officers of the Navy. We pretend to get a smooth implementation of the new curriculum, trying to avoid students’ failure. We show the teaching methods and the assessment techniques used to get it. We present the results obtained in subjects offered at the first year of the degree. The influence of continuous evaluation system on quality of learning process has been analyzed. If the teaching methodology is the proper one, an effective evaluation system could help to prevent the failure of the education system. An evaluation system based on continuous assessment should contribute to a good quality of learning.


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Author Biography

Rafael María Carreño Morales, Universidad de Vigo

Profesor en el Departamento de Diseño en la Ingeniería


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How to Cite

Carreño Morales, R. M. (2014). A proposal for the learning evaluation in a new engineering curriculum within a military context. Revista Educación En Ingeniería, 9(18), 130–143. https://doi.org/10.26507/rei.v9n18.425





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