Visualization, experimentation, and discussion: a strategy for teaching-learning of mechanics of materials




teaching, mechanics of materials, project based learning, engineering teaching


This paper presents a theoretical and practical methodology to improve the teaching-learning process of Mechanics of Materials. The methodology was used during six academic periods in the Civil Engineering Department of Universidad de Ibagué. It comprises three stages: observation of the phenomena, study of constitutive equations, and experimentation. In the first stage, students observe phenomena related to the topics of study, in the second stage, professor and students deepen into the theoretical conceptualization of the observed phenomena, deduce the mathematical equations of practical use for the phenomena, and solve implementation problems. In the third stage, students build mathematical and physical models as a course project. The methodology was implemented as an attempt to reduce the high levels of desertion and failure, and to contrast the traditional teaching methodology where the lecturer teacher is the center of the learning process. With the proposed methodology desertion decreased and students´ performance increased.


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Author Biography

jorge Olmedo Montoya Vallecilla, Universidad de Ibagué

Ing. Civil de la Universidad del Quindío, Colombia en el año 2001 en Armenia-Colombia y posteriormente el grado de MSc. en Estructuras y Cimentaciones de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España en la Escuela de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos en el año 2010. Ha sido profesor del Tompkins Cortland Community College de The New York State Universiy (2014 y 2015) e investigador invitado del área de educación en ingeniería en Purdue University, School of Engineering Eduacation (2017) en West Lafayette, Indiana. Desde el año 2011 se desempeña como profesor asociado del programa de ingeniería civil de la Universidad de Ibagué, Colombia. Su interés en la investigación se centra en las metodologías activas de aprendizaje aplicadas a Ingeniería.


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How to Cite

Montoya Vallecilla, jorge O. (2018). Visualization, experimentation, and discussion: a strategy for teaching-learning of mechanics of materials. Revista Educación En Ingeniería, 13(26), 47–53.


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